PTES Principal Coffees

coffee mug

Ms. Andujar welcomes Poplar Tree families and community members to discuss various things happening at PTES. Learn more about these meetings here!

October Principal Coffee

During the October Principal's Coffee, Reading Teacher Julie Majkowski shared ways that families can support their child at home with reading!

December Principal Coffee

During our December Principal's Coffee, School Based Technology Specialist Leslie Leisey talked about the digital tools most often used at Poplar Tree and shared resources for encouraging students to be digital citizens both at home and school!

Should you have any questions about technology at Poplar Tree, feel free to reach out to Leslie Leisey at @email

February Principal Coffee

Ms. Hirsch and Ms. Mertens shared information and resources related to resiliency! Their presentation and resource document are linked below!

April Principal Coffee

Here is the recording for the Virtual Parent Q&A session with Ms. Andujar from Thursday, April 30.

May Principal Q&A

Here is the recording for the Virtual Parent Q&A session with Ms. Andujar from Thursday, May 28.

Here is the recording for the PTA meeting!!