Transforming teaching and learning to prepare students for the future

We are very lucky to be a part of  Phase One of FCPSOn - a journey that started in September of 2016 for all schools in the Chantilly pyramid. Each student in these schools have access to his/her own device to use in the classroom, and sometimes even at home.

An FCPS camera crew spent two days at Poplar Tree Elementary in 2018 to explore how FCPSOn has truly transformed the way we teach and learn!  Click on any of the classrooms in the graphic below to see what a typical day looks like in that classroom.

Choose your room graphic.See the special education class video. See the first grade class video. See the third grade AAP class video. See the fifth grade class video.

FCPSOn Within the Strategic Plan

FCPSOn is intended to extend student learning and ensure that students have equal opportunity to develop Portrait of a Graduate attributes by providing them with opportunities to control the time, place, path, and pace of their learning through meaningful learning experiences.

When you hear about 1:1 technology, it means there will be one device for each student to use for learning. The FCPS Strategic Plan Ignite includes 1:1 as a component of the Student Success goal. Providing a device to students moves the district significantly closer to achieving that goal.

We also know that a properly implemented 1:1 program can have a significant impact on student success because it increases a teacher’s ability to personalize student learning.

Phase One of FCPSOn

The first phase of FCPSOn began in the 2016-17 school year at all the schools in the Chantilly High School pyramid:

  • Chantilly HS
  • Franklin MS
  • Rocky Run MS
  • Brookfield ES
  • Greenbriar East ES
  • Greenbriar West ES
  • Lees Corner ES
  • Oak Hill ES
  • Poplar Tree ES

Teachers Discuss FCPSOn

While the FCPS camera crew was filming in Poplar Tree classrooms in 2018, they also interviewed three of our teachers. In the video below, they discuss screentime, homework, and the importance of having a growth mindset.

Additional Videos

In additional videos, the teachers discuss:

Digital Citizenship

Learning to use technology responsibly, or being a good digital citizen, is an important aspect of FCPSOn. Digital citizenship is described as the norms of appropriate and responsible behavior when using technology. It includes having an understanding of the positive and negative impacts technology use can have on yourself or others. Teachers are incorporating information about digital citizenship throughout their instruction. Creating an awareness of digital citizenship helps teachers and parents talk about what all users should know regarding appropriate technology use.


FCPS provides an array of technology resources to ensure students experience a digitally rich learning environment that meets their instructional needs.

Student Device Guidelines

The school division works to ensure that every student has Access to Technology and the internet by exploring innovative programs, coordinating and supporting divisionwide and school initiatives, and developing public and private partnerships. FCPS has relationships with community business and organizations to provide free or discounted computers and internet service. Schools also offer computer and mifi (mini wifi) check outs as well as extended library and computer lab access.

Additional FCPSOn Information from the FCPS Website

FCPSOn Encourages Development of Portrait of a Graduate Skills